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Corso per Giornalisti

Training course for young journalists, content creators, and information professionals in Malta from 1st to the 3rd day of February 2024



What are the democratic and representative mechanisms at the base of the European Union? How do they work and what are the relationships between European institutions? And, above all, how can the communication gap perceived between the European Union and Maltese citizens be reduced through journalistic work? European elections 2024 and the role of journalists, Voting system: socio-political context.
Trying to answer these questions together with many other questions, is the goal of the co-funded course of the European Parliament’s Training Program for young journalists to be held in Malta from February 1 to 3, 2024 .

The training for young journalists is an European Parliament programme managed and delivered by the Maltese Italian Chamber of Commerce.

The coruse is organised by the Gazzetta di Malta of the Maltese Italian Chamber of Commerce and Will Italia, the most important Italian digital magazine with over 1.5 million followers, and offers the opportunity to 20 people to participate with an innovative training and professional networking path.

Journalists, communicators, and content creators with no more than three years of experience and who have already completed a first course of study (such as a bachelor’s degree or a professional course) can apply.

On the last day of the event, it will be possible to interact with outgoing European parliamentarians.
To apply:


Submit the application form by January 29, 2024, attaching your CV and inserting links to published articles and motivation to participate in the course.

During the three days, participants will be subject to practical tests such as creating digital content with graphic software, photo editing, video editing, writing → Creating a social media post from a European Parliament press release.

Participants who have successfully completed the course will be able to participate in a further selection for the realisation of a second training module to be held in Brussels , which will allow them to take part in meetings and training at the European Parliament headquarters.

On January 17, an introductory webinar will be held at 12pm. In order to connect, just visit
For more information, you may use the following email address: or call on+356 21244895.

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