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Lilu King torna dietro le sbarre: violata la libertà su cauzione



Elmushraty on his way to court. Times of Malta file photo.

Mohamed Ali Ahmem Elmushratyd , better known by his online name Lilu King, was back behind bars on Sunday after he was accused of breaking a man’s arm and violating the terms of bail set in three previous cases.

Elmushraty, 32, a Tunisian national, is a Paceville entrepreneur and social media ‘influencer’ who loves flaunting his wealth on social media.

He was accused on Sunday of injuring and threatening a man in an incident on October 12 in Sliema, breaching the peace and breach of bail conditions set on March 18, 2024, May 6, 2023 and October 25, 2019. He pleaded not guilty.

The court was asked to revoke his release on bail, seize his bail deposits and issue a protection order for the victim and his family.

Inspector Eman Hayman, who prosecuted, told the court that a report was filed by the alleged victim, that he was assaulted by Lilu King at a bar on the Sliema waterfront.


In CCTV footage, the victim could be seen running “for his life” with the accused following him.

The defence requested the court to grant bail, and argued that the charges Mushraty was facing were minor and may be retracted by the victim, considering that Mushraty had filed a report regarding theft and assault against the same alleged victim.

The defence also pointed out that the case took place on October 12 and had the accused any intention to tamper with evidence this could have been done by now. Therefore the fear of tempering with evidence does not result.

The court denied bail however, due to the alleged breach of previous bail conditions and also due to the possible tampering of evidence.

Elmushraty was last in court in August, accused of deliberately crashing his Mercedes into a Buggy while driving without a licence. At the time Inspector Hayman had told the court that the crash “appeared to have been deliberate,”  and footage also showed Elmushraty step out of the Mercedes and speak to the buggy driver and a woman, who the inspector said was an ex-girlfriend of Elmushraty’s.

The court at the time had since the duty magistrate had not been informed of the arrest.

In June Elmushraty but did not lose his personal liberty after admitting to an early morning argument with police during a boxing match at Ta’ Qali.


In his previous ongoing cases, Elmushratyd faces charges related to involvement in organised crime linked to drug trafficking and money laundering. He is pleading not guilty.

He had been

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